Register a Local Turnoff

space wwwww A local TV-Turnoff can be anything from an afternoon calling a few friends to a couple of weeks non-stop working the fax machine. It's up to you. Maybe you've never organised something like this. Maybe you've shied away from things that seemed "political" or "preachy". But the TV-Turnoff has received support from every shade of politcal opinion you can imagine. We have all kinds of people taking part, young and old, introvert and extrovert. This is a non-political political issue.

But that doesn't mean it's lightweight. Campaigns like White Dot are finally addressing problems that have been understood for twenty years.. Dozens of books and hundreds of studies have been written about the harm TV does to families, children, social life, democracy, you name it. For two decades, people have been reading these books and shaking their heads.
White Dot TV

It's time they waved their fists!

Even if you like television now and then, spreading the word about TV-Turnoff Week is worth doing. It can be as simple as passing a petition around the office. And every person who signs will find that their free time has doubled. They'll find that whole sections of their life that they "didn't have time for" are not lost after all. And everything they do - working, studying, raising a family or raising hell, whatever kind of person they are, they'll live better for that week.

Yes, some people will say this is crazy. And just as many people will later thank you. They'll tell you what they did, and how easy it really was. People get excited to have so much real life again.

Register Now!
The form below will help us make best use of the help people give us. But remember, it's only the beginning. What we really want is pledges, endorsements, and people who are willing to talk to the press.

Of course, since we're a magazine, we'd just love to put these people on a mailing list and turn some of them into subscribers. But we want participants to feel excited, not targeted. So, unless we are told otherwise, we promise to leave people alone. If someone is especially interested, ask them if they want to be put on our database. If they say yes, tell us and we'll be happy to include them. It will help us build up numbers for next year's turnoff. (And hell! If they're really interested, try and get them to buy a book!)

You however, dear organiser, will be hearing from us. And we want to hear from you. Stay in touch! If you have email, send us messages. Send us lists of names, but also mail in the pledges. We want big stacks of paper we can take pictures of. We need proof that the people turning off really exist.

Introduce us to anyone you think could help. For instance, the US Air Force has an airplane that can jam television transmissions for hundreds of miles! Do you know anyone with security clearance to one of these planes? Tell us!


TV-Turnoff 1998 Registration

I want to help organise a TV-Turnoff near where I live. I'll spread the word, gather pledges, and maybe put together an event or activity.
First Name
Last Name
State or County
Postcode or ZIP
I know people who can help you. Contact me.
I am willing to talk to the press.
My attitude towards campaigning is:
Your most important reason to turn off TV:
Activites you may organise to celebrate the Turnoff:
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